Camp Thomas E Lightfoot Reunion 2012


Stella Gerba Gore submitted the photo of the crew above.

(See displays below for more of her images.)

Donna Merico Weir submitted the lineup above.

She also sent an image of the spectators below, titled:

Go WVU - beat Marshall!


Click Pank/Anthony/Keith/flagpole
to view gallery/slideshow of morning assembly
(Flash capability required for viewing)
submitted by Donna Merico Weir


Click here to view other images
submitted by Donna Merico Weir

Stella / Dalon / Cody

 Click Stella, Dalton & Cody for
gallery of images from Coffee Shop
by Stella Gore's crew
  Matthew & Michael Gerba / Cody Gore
Click Matthew, Michael & Cody
for gallery of portraits by Stella

 Click Caitlin & Cody for
gallery of images from Track Meet
by Stella Gore's crew

 Click Randy Lusk & Stella for
slideshow of images from Council Circle
by Stella Gore's crew

Click Rec Building for gallery/slideshow
(Flash capability required for viewing)
of images submitted by Paul Frye

Click Baggage Room door knob from Cabin 16
for Flash video of a daytime visit to Council Circle
 engineered by Paul Frye

Click Evan Thacker for
for Flash video of his departure from Dining Hall

Click Coffee Shop crew to watch
brief Flash video - Jeff Hood greets Bob Brown as
Mary Ellen tries to avoid blocking camera view

Click Patty Wooten Sheppard
for Flash video of "putting the E in ignorant"

Click lunchtime crew
for Flash video of Dining Hall Songs

Click GrandDan Thacker
for Flash video of Tribal Songs


During the reunion Mac Geis displayed his prize-winning

Social Studies project on the legacy of Thomas E Lightfoot.


On Sunday morning Camp friends attended a mass in Hinton

celebrating the life of Raymond Gerba.

click for closer view 


Here the sun is playing tricks on the
camera lens; to view the Dining Hall
in late afternoon click the "rainbow"

Click here to return to Main Reunion page