Thomas "Lynn" Maddy

Lynn Maddy at Camp Lightfoot in October 2010 (sorry to say he passed on in Spring 2017)

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Lynn Maddy wrote down the thoughts that occurred to him one day as he found himself trying to define that intangible something called Camp Spirit.  His conclusion was that it’s not so much how you define it, but rather where you find it:

Ø  You can find it in that rush of emotion you get when you drive up the road into Camp.

Ø  You can find it when the buses roll into Camp and unload all those excited campers.

Ø  You can find it in the swim meet, the track meet, and whenever tribal competition is keen.

Ø  You can find it in that look of pride and joy on the face of a camper when he makes his first pair of moccasins.

Ø  You can find it in the council circle as we gather round the crackling council fire and share the songs and skits.

Ø  You can find it in the quiet serenity of the evening vesper service, as we gather strength and inspiration from those songs and stories of faith.

Ø  You can find it in that peaceful feeling you get as you stroll around the campus on a misty, moonlit night.

Ø  You can find it in the memories of Camp people who have passed away.

Ø  You can find it in the photographs and videos of Camp days gone by.

Ø  You can find it in the big How!How!s and hugs of Camp people meeting for a reunion.

Ø  You can find Camp Spirit in every part of Camp.

Ø  But most of all you will find Camp Spirit in the heart of anyone who has ever been a part of Camp Thomas E Lightfoot.

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