• Introduction
  • Accomodations
  • Tentative schedule
  • Whys and wherefores of Reunions
  • Letter / sign-up form

Reunion plans are currently on hold again pending repairs of previously neglected infrastructure at CTEL. Firm information about that process has thus far been hard to get, so NO gatherings at Camp are currently in the works.

along the road into Camp 1957

watch this website for details

of upcoming Camp Thomas E Lightfoot

Alumni events in Hinton




click here to return to main reunions page



  • We hope someday to have the use of the updated cabins at Camp for those of you who would like to spend the night on campus. Please bring your sleeping bag and pillow. The former Recreation Building has been co-opted for other uses by the new owners of CTEL.
  • If you prefer to park a camper or set up a tent, please let us know in advance.
  • The Hinton area offers several motels, including the Sandman (304/466-1700), if you want to stay off campus.
  • Two beautiful state parks are nearby: Pipestem (304/466-1800) and Bluestone (304/466-1922); both have sleeping and/or camping facilities available.
    If you choose to stay at one of the motels or parks, the Reunion Committee suggests that you make your reservations well in advance, since the reunions are scheduled over the Labor Day holiday weekend.
  • Hinton is only 15 minutes from Camp and offers a wide variety of family restaurants for your convenience.

Schedule - September 20__

A "get reacquainted" coffee shop will be held in the Rec Building on Saturday night, September _ at 10 PM.

Sunday, September _, 20__

  • 10:00 AM The festivities begin with registration, flag raising and morning assembly.
  • The sports field opens shortly after Noon.
  • 1:00 PM ( - 4:00 PM) A delicious meal will be served buffet style in the Dining Hall
  • 2:30 PM Track meet with the traditional balloon toss at the end
  • 6:00 PM Rehearsals for skits for Council Circle
  • 7:00 PM Vespers
  • 8:00 PM Ceremonial Lighting of Torches for the procession to Council Circle with scouting reports, songs and stunts
  • 10:00 PM Coffee Shop, with singing, stories and reminiscing well into the night

Monday, September _, 20__

  • Lovers of Lightfoot depart (with a big How!How! until we return again for the next reunion)


During the many years Camp Thomas E. Lightfoot was in operation, nearly 1200 counselors shared their summers together. Prior to each reunion we contact many of our friends with hope they can come and share the day with us, reminiscing and renewing old friendships. Each reunion thus far has been filled with fun and lots of memories spanning over 50 years of camping experience.

The late Lynn Maddy (a counselor from Hinton) provided his reflections about the spirit of Camp - click here for his description.

Even if you cannot attend a reunion, please let us hear from you* so that we can update your friends on your current adventures.

We will be looking forward to seeing you again at Camp in September 20__.

How! How!

Reunion Committee

* You can send email to the Committee via CampLightfoot.org

Dining Hall Porch 2003

Reunion Letter

Sign-up form (PDF)



View images from 2012 Reunion


  • If you are unable to attend the September reunion, consider joining us in October for the next Fall Retreat (click for details)